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Diggers Hotline for Professionals


Voluntary Positive Response information Sample of a Meet Sheet
Info about the ProPortal Damage Prevention Checklist


Diggers Hotline is a free service that helps identify dangerous and costly utilities buried beneath the yard’s surface for contractors as well as homeowners.


Wisconsin Statute 182.0175 requires every excavator and everyone who is responsible for planning non-emergency excavations to provide advance notice of at least three business days to the one-call system. See the state law page for a definition of excavation. Diggers Hotline needs to be contacted prior to excavation and planning an excavation in order to comply with the state statute.


Diggers Hotline should also be used to obtain information on safe working clearances from overhead lines.


Facility owners are required to be a member of Diggers Hotline unless the facilities are located exclusively on private land. Members affected will receive messages of intent to dig.


In any of the following situations, contact the facility owner(s) directly:

  • To report damage to any type of facility.
  • To report any type of service outage.
  • To resolve any type of billing problem.
  • To request any type of facility removal or relocation. (Including meter removals prior to demolition of a building.)
  • To request any type of utility service.

If an excavation occurs outside the state of Wisconsin, that state’s one-call center should be contacted directly. All types of locate requests are accepted by Diggers Hotline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.