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Diggers Hotline is making a slight, but important, change to how No-Show Relocates will work in the ProPortal. This change came about after listening to our ProPortal users, who expressed confusion when filing No-Show Relocates.
These changes will be implemented on July 5, 2024 after 6pm. We wanted to give you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the changes prior to them “going live.”
These changes will make No-Show Relocates more logical to the ProPortal user and also reduce the amount of No-Show Relocates being sent to members who did locate properly and should not have been included on the No-Show Relocate.
There are 2 links below for you to click on. One link is to a video, the other to a PDF document. Both explain the changes to the No-Show Relocate and how to correctly file them in the future. They also contain information on how to use positive response with No-Show Relocates, an explanation on which relocate best meets your needs, as well as a reminder of the importance of contact phone numbers and email addresses on your tickets.
Portal No-Show Relocate Update & Information -- Video
June 20, 2024 ProPortal Changes -- PDF
If you have any questions about these changes to the No-Show Relocate, or any other general ProPortal questions, you can always email training@diggershotline.com or call 1-800-982-0299, press option 8 and then Ext 1826.
Thank you for your time reviewing these changes and for using the ProPortal system.