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Information Needed to File a Locate Request


The information that is required to file a locate request can be broken down into three categories: contact information, dig site location and dig site information. Having the information described on this page gathered beforehand will make the locate request process more efficient. Below is a summary of the required information.


Contact Information

Your Name, Phone & E-mail: This should be a phone number where you can be reached if there are any questions. If you are filing your ticket online, we will e-mail you a copy of the locate request with your ticket number and start date and time when the Diggers Hotline representative finalizes your request.


Address, Street, City, State, Zip Code: This is your mailing address, not necessarily the address of your dig site. These two addresses on homeowner tickets are often the same, but not always.


Field Contact & Phone: This is the name and phone number of the person who will be doing the digging work.



Dig Site Physical Location

The city, township, or village your work will take place: Make sure to use the actual municipality where the work will take place. The mailing address may have a different municipality than the actual dig site. For example, a mailing address could have Hartland, WI as the municipality, but the property could actually be in the Town of Lisbon. The Town of Lisbon would be the correct municipality to use. The municipality that the homeowners pay their property taxes to is the municipality where the property resides and the one that should be used.


The address of your dig site: This is the street address where the work will be taking place.   


The side of the street your dig site is on and the nearest intersecting road:The mapping system Diggers Hotline uses requires that the side of the street is specified along with the distance and direction from the nearest intersecting road.



Dig Site Information

Start date: Diggers Hotline will ask when your work will begin. If that date is beyond three working days but less than 30 working days, you will be granted that start and time. Otherwise, you will be given a start date and time three working days from when your locate request is processed. Working days do not include weekends or legal holidays.


Work Type: The specific type of work you are doing, such as planting a tree or putting up a fence.


Explosives, Equipment & Premarking:  You will be asked to specify whether any explosives, boring equipment or equipment that reaches 14 feet into the air or higher will be used, and if your dig site will be premarked with white paint or flags.


Marking Instructions: Specify the exact area on the property that needs to be marked. If work is only being done in a certain area of the property it isn’t necessary for the locators to mark the entire lot. Examples of good marking instructions include “Mark a 20-foot radius of the tree in the back yard” or “Mark a 10-foot perimeter of the staked area west of the garage.” If you are filing online, you can use one of the options from the drop-down menu.


Remarks: Any additional useful information. The approximate size of the lot, the distance the work will take place off of the road, or road name changes are some examples of useful remarks.



All of this information needs to be provided whether you are calling Diggers Hotline or filing online.


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