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XAs a non-professional excavator, please use the DIY Portal.<\/p>","yes":null,"no":null,"page":"diy-portal--homeowners","image":"assets\/images\/custom\/icon-portal-diy.png"},"3":{"id":"3","name":"Question 2","question":"Are you going to dig in your own yard or on your own property?","yes":"4","no":"5","page":null,"image":null},"4":{"id":"4","name":"Question 2 - Yes","question":"
If you are digging in your own yard, please use the DIY Portal.<\/p>","yes":null,"no":null,"page":"diy-portal--homeowners","image":"assets\/images\/custom\/icon-portal-diy.png"},"5":{"id":"5","name":"Question 3","question":"ProPortal is a powerful online tool to create any type of locate request. ProPortal users file their own locate requests and map their jobsites on their own. It is the choice for most professional excavators. Over 80% of tickets filed online by Wisconsin contractors are through ProPortal. Is this what you need? ","yes":"6","no":"7","page":null,"image":null},"6":{"id":"6","name":"Question 3 - Yes","question":"
Get started with the ProPortal.<\/p>","yes":null,"no":null,"page":"proportal--contractors","image":"assets\/images\/custom\/icon-pro-portal.png"},"7":{"id":"7","name":"Question 4","question":"Standard tickets are for digging work at one address. Planning tickets are for learning where utilities are for a future digging project. Does these types of work sound like most of the work you will be doing?","yes":"8","no":"9","page":null,"image":null},"8":{"id":"8","name":"Question 4 - Yes","question":"Use the Portal Lite go get started with your standard and planning tickets.","yes":null,"no":null,"page":"https:\/\/geocall.diggershotline.com\/geocall\/portal","image":"assets\/images\/custom\/icon-portal-lite.png"},"9":{"id":"9","name":"Question 5","question":"Relocates are short-notice locate requests used when marks for a previous ticket need to be refreshed due to weather or jobsite activity. They are a useful tool for anyone digging in Wisconsin. Would filing relocates online be helpful to your business?","yes":"10","no":"11","page":null,"image":null},"10":{"id":"10","name":"Question 5 - Yes","question":"Get started filing an online relocate.","yes":null,"no":null,"page":"proportal--contractors","image":"assets\/images\/custom\/icon-pro-portal.png"},"11":{"id":"11","name":"Question 6","question":"If you watch an educational video and take a test, you are able to use the ProPortal which gives you the most flexibility and the most options of the online portals. This is a great choice for frequent Diggers Hotline users. Do you want to unlock all ProPortal features?","yes":"12","no":"13","page":null,"image":null},"12":{"id":"12","name":"Question 6 - Yes","question":"Get started with the ProPortal.","yes":null,"no":null,"page":"proportal--contractors","image":"assets\/images\/custom\/icon-pro-portal.png"},"13":{"id":"13","name":"Question 7","question":"Appointment tickets, project tickets, emergency tickets and relocates are some of the more advanced ticket types that give additional options to Wisconsin excavators. These tickets can only be filed online through the Proportal. Would you like to be able to file these ticket types yourself electronically?","yes":"14","no":"15","page":null,"image":null},"14":{"id":"14","name":"Question 7 - Yes","question":"Get started with the ProPortal.","yes":null,"no":null,"page":"proportal--contractors","image":"assets\/images\/custom\/icon-pro-portal.png"},"15":{"id":"15","name":"Question 8","question":"The ProPortal is a full-featured online tool for Wisconsin excavators to file all locate requests, including relocates. A short training video and passing a post-video test are required to use the ProPortal. Users map the location of their jobsites directly into the Diggers Hotline software.\n
\nThe PortalLite is a powerful tool to file Standard and Planning locate requests electronically. Users will enter information that is sent to Diggers Hotline representatives, who will then finish the request by adding mapping information. There is no training required, no test to pass, but only limited features are available.","yes":"16","no":"20","page":null,"image":null},"16":{"id":"16","name":"Question 8 - Yes","question":"Get started with the ProPortal.","yes":null,"no":null,"page":"proportal--contractors","image":"assets\/images\/custom\/icon-pro-portal.png"},"20":{"id":"20","name":"Question 8 - No","question":"
Get started with the Portal Lite.<\/p>","yes":null,"no":null,"page":"https:\/\/geocall.diggershotline.com\/geocall\/portal","image":"assets\/images\/custom\/icon-portal-lite.png"}};
Are you a professional excavator?