Diggers Hotline Phone Numbers


(800) 242-8511

The main phone number to file a locate request with Diggers Hotline.



Dialing 811 from any phone in Wisconsin will connect you with Diggers Hotline.  Much like 911 for emergency services, 811 is part of the national N11 system


(262) 785-5300

The administrative line for Diggers Hotline and is not for filing locate requests. A list of staff you can reach by calling this main administrative line is available here.


(800) 722-4120

The direct line to the Diggers Hotline Remote Operators, who can answer if your online ticket has been received or how to enter a ticket into the Portals.


(262) 432-7910

The emergency-only phone number for locate requests.  If Diggers Hotline's main phone number goes down, this is used as a back up number.