Diggers Hotline is now hiring.  Click for details.




Diggers Hotline coordinates between excavators and owners of buried lines, such as utilities. Private lines, such as an electric line to a detached garage, a line after the meter or a line from a propane tank that may be on your property, are owned by the property owner and are considered the responsibility of the landowner. A locating company such as those listed below can be hired to mark private lines.


Diggers Hotline Sustaining Members


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Wisconsin Locating Companies

Company Contact Address City State Phone Email
Excel Underground Raymond L. Rock 5288 Pasture Lane Omro WI (920) 574-2924 info@excelunderground.com
Kohnen Underground Utilities Daniel Kohnen PO Box 897 Chetek WI (715) 556-2109 dpkohnen@gmail.com
K&L Locators John Kohnen 250 Woodward St. Chetek WI (715) 642-0678
B&M Utility Service Bruce Ganger 2124 5th Ave. Chetek WI (715) 837-1741
Absolute Locating Services Joe Chadwick 5230 150th St. NW Clearwater MN (612) 216-4198
Vannguard Utility Partners 5927 Haase Rd. DeForest WI (608) 223-2014
Rural Electric Service Fritz Geske 107 S. Plum St. PO Box 99 Fall Creek WI (715) 877-2215
Lazer Utility Locating LLC - Operations Mike Dolezal 9350 39th Ave Pleasant Prairie WI (920) 370-5971 lazerlocating@gmail.com
Private Underground Locating Services Robert Beil 631 N. Glover Rd Hudson WI 800-403-4558 privloc@yahoo.com
Private Lines Aaron Erdmann E3221 Hwy 161 Iola WI (715) 445-5383 privatelines95@gmail.com
Livewire Locating Services Stacey Friedrich 2000 Engel St. Ste. 102 Madison WI (608) 661-4702 info@livewirelocating.com
Badger Electric Stacey Friedrich 2000 Engel St. Ste. 102 Madison WI (608) 661-4701 info@badgerelectric.com
All Lines Utility Services Dave Erdmann PO Box 786 Menomonee Falls WI (414) 302-9750 locate@alllines.net
Precise Underground Marking Charles E. Goins 9404 N. 107th St. Milwaukee WI (414) 228-5179
Olameter DPG Brian Recob 9189 S. 13th St. Oak Creek WI (414) 563-0051 brecob@olameter.com
Fohr's Flambeau Electric Rick Forh PO Box 86 Park Falls WI (715) 762-3535
TJ ELectric Jordan Burch 1118 N. Front Street Spooner WI (715) 635-4802 spooner@tjelectricinc.com
USIC Locating Services-New Business Edward Dubuc 2632 Happy Valley Rd. Sun Prairie WI (608) 335-8945 edwarddubuc@usicinc.com
GLS Utility Steve Bursaw 1756 Tam-O-Shanter Trail Sun Prairie WI (608) 444-6240 privatelocate@glsutility.com
Minnesota Communications Inc Brett Mlaskoch 4710 W. Arrowhead Rd Hermantown MN (218) 722-0728
Ground Penetrating Radar Systems Chris Geary 7540 New West Rd. Toledo OH 419-843-5829 chris.geary@gp-radar.com
Turnkey Network Solutions Tracey Gerdeman 7020 Southbelt Drive SE Caledonia MI (616) 988-6702 tgerdeman@tkns.net
Private Locate MN Bob Bruno Winona MN (507) 429-7758 privatelocatemn@gmail.com
USIC Locating Services-Operations North Tyler Gustaveson 211 8th Street South Suite 104 Wisconsin Rapids WI (920) 750-8273 tylergustaveson@usicllc.com
Five Star Energy Services Ben Maurer W228S70155 Enterprise Dr Big Bend WI (608) 289-8537
Northern Lights Locating and Inspection, Inc. Caitlin Flater 8109 Network Dr. Plainfield IN 317-460-8221 cflater@nolservices.com
Wolff Underground.com tim wolff N8663 old highway 47 BLACK CREEK WI 9207381880 info@wolffunderground.com
Margolis Company Jerry Romero 295 W. Larpenteur ave Saint Paul MN 651-488-7258 jromero@margolisco.com
ZoneOne Locating Christopher A Koch 4611 Sweet St Eagan MN 763-682-0206 info@zoneonelocating.com
Can You Dig It LLC. Jim Olson W7873 Somo Dam Dr Tomahawk WI 715-966-9517 canyoudigit@myyahoo.com
Utility Locators LLC ERick Scoglio 225 Poplar Street Turtle Lake WI 715-790-2337 bs@utilitylocatorllc.com
Blood Hound Underground Utility Locators Ryan Buzan 6500 Technology Center Drive Ste 200 Indianapolis IN 615-862-9651 ryanbuzan@bhug.com
Apex Locators LLC Shaun Olsen 16874 Pond View Lane Mineral Point WI 6085533001 shaun.apexlocators@gmail.com
Blew & Associates, P.A. Miles Stacey 3825 N Shiloh Dr Fayetteville AR 888-933-2111 subsurface@blewinc.com
Lazer Utility Locating, LLC-North Mike Dolezal 3995 Shangri La Road Eagle River WI 920-370-5971 lazerlocating@gmail.com
Olson Electric LLC Patrick Olson S642 County Road k Stoddard WI 6087921949 olsonelectricwi@gmail.com
Lazer Utility Locating, LLC Mike Dolezal PO Box 10201 Green Bay WI 920-370-5971 lazerlocating@gmail.com
Ground Safe Solutions LLC David Neira 2816 Noquets Drive Waukesha WI 262-408-7526 David@groundsafesolutions,com